martes, 15 de marzo de 2011


Dear Students
Here I have some questions about the topics that were presented during today´s session:

How do Genie´s and Jim´s stories credit or discredit the critical period hypothesis?

video about Genie

Video about Jim

How does brain lateralization support teh critical period hypothesis?

Why and how does the right hemisphere of the brain participate in second language acquisition?

Remember that next class we will have presentations about the cognitive, affective and linguistic considerations in Language acquisition. The groups from the affective considerations haven´t been given teh topics yet, please do so as soon as possible.

5 comentarios:

  1. Ojo con los comentarios, no los veo!!!!!!!!!

  2. 1. Dsicredit, because the critical period hypothesis said that the process to acquire language is related to the age, especially in puberty. In the case of the two children, we can see that they dont learn any kind of language, as a result of the process of lonely grow that they had for many years, as the case of Genie.

    2. critical period hyphotesis said that the lateralization helps to acquire the language, especially in puberty.

    3. Right hemisphere control some language functions. Also the right hemisphere participate in the second language adcquisiton in early stages in the initial learning of a second language.


  3. 1)Both of the videos which were showed on the web-page had a big credit on what critical period hypothesis is. Why? Because, the videos show us how children who were privated during a crucial time in their lifes, those children were living in a isolated world in which they had not contact with others around them, and taking account everything that was showed on the videos, and as my group already explained we are concerned that, during this time we really learn a language according what critical period hypothesis claim, but also, we see that are many thing that children can be acquired like development of motor,sensory and cognitive avilities they also were lacked of emotional development and social development and many others, if it is not at this time, it will be difficult for them later. So, my point of view is that: they are appropiated to this hypothesis.

    2)In the way that,brain functions are reciving or getting information until puberty time, when all parts of the brain has been lateralized, this parts had set caracteristics of development.

    3) personally i think that the right hemisphere contributes to get a language Because it is said that the right hemisphere plays a role in early language acquisition

    elkin jose acosta barrios

  4. 1:
    With the two children's stories and with my ideas about the CPH i could say that the CPH is that process about how we, as children, get the language, both of the video credit that if children don't have social interaction with the world, for they are going to be difficult to understand and to acquire knowledge in a higher age.
    The lateralization support the CPH when we are acquire the language becaure the two sides of the brain work together when we are in the age of children between 3 and 12 years and facilitate children to acquire knowledge in this case "language"
    In early ages the rigth hemisphere works as well as the left hemisphere in the process of getting a secong language, but in older ages RH becomes in a minor hemisphere.

    BY: Danilo Jimeno Lopez

  5. 1. those stories credit the critical period hypothesis, according to this theory if a person does not receive the appropiate stimulus during these early stages as those cases, woul be difficult or impossible to develop some functions later.I primarily pay attention to Genies story, that case disturb me and support the theory in the sense that Genie does not receive proper stimulus, she was treated like an animal, she had not social life, and of course she had no way to learn speaking and to develop vital functions.

    2. brain lateralization support the cph in the way that both sides of the brain function and contribute with vital development, in this case language acquisition.

    3.,, I think that the right hemisphere of the brain participate in second language acquisition because it works on prosodic language functions such as intonation, accentuation..

    by karina puche Bustamante
