jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011


Dear Students

We´ll be discussing some of the questions your partner made in their groups last Tuesday. As you answer and participate in the discussions, I will give you feedback. Remember your participation in this discussion will help you understand some of the issues in FLA.


1. Why is it important that adults give input to the child?

2. If a child is talking and says something in a wrong way and the father says the same sentence but in a correct form, will the child pick up the information and correct himself?

3. Do children learn the language from overhearing conversations and listening to the radio?

4. What can you infer about the phrase “questions are not simply questions”?


1. Is it possible that all children learn, forget and relearn aspects of their own language?

2. Do all children follow the same route of acquisition from pivot grammar to full sentences?

5. Research has pointed to the facts that cognitive and linguistics development are inextricably intertwined, what do you think about it?

You are welcome to participate in the discussion, later I´ll be posting more questions on other issues.

5 comentarios:

  1. Input and discourse:
    1. Because adults can motivate children to learn, and also they feed children`s curiosity.

    2. No, because the child can adopt a shy attitude that doesn´t permit an advance of the knowledge.

    3. Yes, but not only with these two elements. Children need to practice and interchange what thy think, with other people.

    4. Question involved curiosity and a knowledge that needs to be realized and satisfied about the world around.

    Sistemacity and Variability, language and thought

    1. Yes. it is possible, because their brain in this moment is a Box in which many things can go inside and another go outside.

    2.Yes. Children start with few words and then they build some expresion according to the knowledge they learn everyday.

    3. well I think that they are relationed in the way that cognitive needs to be build and linguistics can give the tools to do it.


  2. 1. They are geared for children, adults, parents, and professionals to help children with sensory processing disorders achieve maximum sensory processing abilities. Whether at home, school, or specialized clinic these products will ensure proper and effective sensory integration therapy.

    2. ok, this question maybe if the fatehr repeats many times perhaps the kid would say in a good way.

    3. Well, I think not only with those kind of learning, also tehay can do it by doing something and so on.

    4. questions are not simply question: well, to thsi question I can infer that to ask some qs, people need to know the correct way to ask, but in children's cases it turned difficult to do 'cause of the age. or the wrong speech taht they can have. According to the learning as well.

    Sistemacity and Variability.

    1. yEAH, IT is possible through the brain; they can forget something said. not only littles one, also adults...

    2. Of course, so they first learn through the grammar as well,Yet even before the child has uttered that first word, a long process of growth and language development has already started: as well teh psychological way
    social growth, necessary to use language as a tool of social interaction.

    3. In my point of view i can sum up that those it could have a relation with the behaviourist and linguistic methods in the growth' kids

  3. Input and discourse

    1.Adult input seems to shape the child’s acquisition, and the interaction patterns between child and parent change according to the increasing language skill of the child.
    2.The child will pick up the information but not right away, they just pick up the meaning of the sentences, I mean, what they really want to say, but in order to they pick up the whole information, even the structure of the sentence, they are going to need more time.
    3.No I don’t, because they need interaction, they need someone to say something and to receive an answer.
    4.Questions are not simply questions because questions have both a literal and a intended or functional meaning.

    Sistemacity and Variability, language and thought

    1.Yes it is, our brain has the ability to keep information that goes on over the years, we just need something that reminds us the information.
    2.Yes, because the more they use some words, the more they learn how to infer the phonological, structural, lexical, and semantic system of the language.

    Maria Carolina Brunal

  4. 1).Is really important because first acquisicion of languaje come from parents and in the home. the child is motivated by interaction with parents in a family situations.

    2)No , because children use the languaje for expressing their feeling and don't care the good way to express the sentences.

    3).I think the best way to learn the languaje is interac with people but overhearing conversations and listening to the radio is good for getting information that is use in the moment when child and parents talking.

    4) I think is when children don't use a good way to ask questions and there are rules for that children learn.


    1). yes. children have a hability to forget and relearn because thier brain is in continuous develop and forget and in isntant remember something just see or listen something.

    2). yes , The term pivot refers to the fact these words can be used in conjuction with almost any other word, which the child has learnt, to convey the childs intending meaning.

    3).they are importan because they are involving in the process of the caquisicion of the languaje.

    maira quintero mercado.

  5. 1. It is important the adult's imput on the child because it shapes the child's acquisition of a language as he develops communication skills.
    2. The child may correct himself right away after hearing the correct form of the sentence, but he will adjust this model to his language after hearing it continuosly.
    3. It is not enough just the listening to learn a language, some interaction is requiered in oreder to learn to communicate.
    4. Questions are not simply questions because children ask questions in order to initiate a conversation and learn how to respond appropiately to others.
