jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

First Language Acquisition Session

Dear Students

Next class we will start dealing with a very interesting topic: FLA.

Before we start dealing with the theories of first language acquisition I would like to ask you some questions and to debate about them here on this blog.

1. How did you learn your first langauge?
2. What do you remember learning first in your mother tongue?
3. Why are there children who take longer to speak than other children?
4. Why do children make mistakes in the mother tongue such as " i spoked to her" or "yo me pusí el vestido"?

In addition, we´ll also have the presentations about Behaviourist and Nativist Theories of First Language Acquisition Groups 1 and 2 will present about Behaviourim whereas groups 3 and 4 will present about Nativism.

Below are some of the links where you can find info about the Behaviourist Theory:


... and Nativist Theory:

I also want to remind you about your homework: Present a paper in which you explain the differences between Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (SET EXAMPLES) and where you also express your ideas on how AL can help you to become a better teacher.

11 comentarios:

  1. 1. Repetition and observation was very important to learn how to write, pronounce and spell the language when I was a child, because with the use of these, I can learn to speak, hear and understand the mother language, in this case, spanish.

    2.Usually, homeworks were a repetition about the vocals, consonants, pronunciation of that, words with the respective letter.

    3.Because children between them have different process of understanding and different process of learning.

    4.Because children learn to repeat but not to understand what they learn and in the process, they make some grammar mistakes.


  2. 1. surely I learnt my first language the same way I learnt everything else, but also repeating or imitating others. e.g. how to walk,how to eat, how to ride a bicycle.

    2.Maybe, I had the ability of have pronounced sounds like, mom,dad,teapot(mamá,papá,tete)or simply sounds I heard around me.

    3.because, on the first ages of life, children use didactics tool to develop habilities psychomotor and speech and this tools are related with genetics factor,social and emotionals and I would say that children learnt better how to communicate in social relationships with others.

    because, on this ages of life we are in a continous proccess of learning and we do not know to use the language correctly either it's structure or components.

  3. 1. as the most of the children always learn their first language for repetition , observation and imitation, i learned in the same way , the most important factor was all things around me, for example my parents and brothers.

    2. i remember that my first words were mom , dad , and simple language that i listened around me , it was in the firts ages, after that in the school i learned more complex words and phrases.

    3.because each child has different proccesses to learn than others and diferents reationes
    from to stimulationes.

    4. because sometimes they listen mistakes from other people, then they repeat it too, or they don't know about they learn or repit.

    by:liliana marcela rivera

  4. 1. How did you learn your first langauge?
    A/ I think, I learnt listening people around me, repeating words, imitating actions.

    2. What do you remember learning first in your mother tongue?
    A/ Well, one day my mother told me that my favorite word when I was a child, was "NO" I was accustomed to say "no" to everybody and whatever request. Actually, my mother says that nowadays I am a "no girl" She says that I am negative person.

    3. Why are there children who take longer to speak than other children?
    A/ In my opinion, it depends on the place where the children are. A personal example, when my niece (Natalia) was 2 years old, she spoke too much, I mean, she unsdertood many things and also spoke, not perfectly but you could understood what she told you, whereas my other nephew (Santiago)didn't spoke a lot. For both cases, I think that Natalia spoke more, because she had her mother, cousins and grandparents in the same house with her all the time, whereas santiago, his parents went to work all the mornings and go back to home in the afternoon. He didn't have all those relatives like Natalia around him. He just stayed at home with a girl that take care of him.

    4. Why do children make mistakes in the mother tongue such as " i spoked to her" or "yo me pusí el vestido"?
    A/ I think because they don't know grammar, I think that they are just starting to learn words, and they don't know how to put the words correctly, what they do is to try to be understood.

  5. Teacher, Balletshoes es Belky B. Garcia

  6. About the questions
    1. How did you learn your first language?
    2. What do you remember learning first in your mother tongue?
    3. Why are there children who take longer to speak than other children?
    4. Why do children make mistakes in the mother tongue such as " i spoked to her" or "yo me pusí el vestido"?

    1. Well, I think that we first listen what people around us said and them we want to imitate what they are saying or doing and this is the form in which we learn a language. And I ca said that the needs of express something, make that people can understand what we want to do.
    2. I believe that some objects like bottle (tetero), ball, how call my mom or my dad. Well I think that there were my first words learning in the mother tongue.
    3. I think that we can find many reasons. For example: Because children can have some learning problems or linguistic problems, maybe their parents or people around do not help them to learn a language or a pronounce words and children do not feel motivated to learn the modern tongue.
    4. it is possible that children try to assimilate the language and how use this language in a context but they cannot know some rules that the language have like in the cases of the examples that the real problem that show here is that children do not know how to conjugate a verb or what are the correct grammar structure that they have to use to make a sentence. It is important that parents can be a guide for their children and that children study how to learn a language in a correct form.

  7. 1. I learned my first language through my family, I always repeated what they said, when I heard words Ipronounced it repeatedly, I was as a parrot.

    2. I remember learning first to say tete......

    3- I think that there are children who take longer to speak than other children because their parents do not motivate to spell or repeat sevaral times words.....phrases..

    4. I think that children make mistakes in the mother tongue because maybe in some way they need to express something and communicate it of course they do not know the correct way about how to pronounce these words.

    by karina Puche Bustamante

  8. 1 I think that I learnt my first language watching, listening, and repeating

    2 I remember some activities that I usually did with my mom that consisted in repeating some syllables like (PA-PA, MA-MA)

    3 That is, because some children do not have faster process of learning

    4 That is because they just repeat some phrases and words that have listened, they still don’t know how our language works


  9. Good job guys!
    @ Belky, Good examples we´ll surely be dealing with these differences on FLA and how the environment or personality affects it.
    It is interesting how most of you consider repetition and imitation as the main tool to acquire teh first language, this we´ll be a very interesting discussion!
    See you in class!

  10. OK. FIRST OF ALL, i learnt my first language through the repetition, ao showing teh object, people something like that. Secondly, i think is so funny, but when i was a baby, little girl i start to talk toward my mom said: chacha. and i am talking to her saying chacha!!! sice i was a baby =). Thirdly, I think that there are children who have developed some skill tahn others, for example in my case, since 2 yrs old i learn multiply, divide, so other reason is teh behaviour thet children will be become to have, if theirs parent want that they learn to speak early, they can do it, by many ways. And finally, i believe that by culture, by listenning to other people.

  11. 1 what´s nature say?
    2why nurture depends from nature?
    3 when you are talking about universal language what do you mean?
